Monday, October 24, 2011

Monica's update!

We are in Mesa, AZ. Justin is finishing up medical school this year and will be done in the spring. Blake is 4.5yrs, Emma and Rebekah are 18 months and we are expecting another girl (Hannah) in February. {yes we are crazy}
I actually just became an official business owner of Craftswithasideofyou. I sale custom crafts and vinyl lettering. It is busy and exciting. Because this is working for me, I probably will discontinue teaching preschool. I took off the last two years because of the twins and it is kind of nice to have a more flexible work schedule.
We most likely will stay in Mesa, Justin has a lot of great contacts here and my family is here as well.
I am excited to stay in touch with you all better!


1 comment:

  1. Hey can't believe Justin is gonna finish school!! You guys are going to make bank what with having both a doctor and a seriously motivated entrepreneur in the family ;)
